Site Update

We all wanted to keep everyone in the loop. We have been working hard on some great new research, as well as some upcoming posts.

As the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg approaches, our authors have been putting together some great in-depth posts covering the campaign. We will have some great in-depth posts looking at the battles for the city, Prospect Hill and Maryes Heights.

We also have the two final posts for the Forgotten 5th Corps seriesĀ  and a great series planned for the Chancellorsville Campaign. These posts will include the winter encampments of 1862-63, Stoneman’s Raid, theĀ  Wounding of Stonewall Jackson and the overlooked battles of Second Fredericksburg and Salem Church.

For those of you Western Theater lovers, we have a few posts covering the Battle of Stones River coming at the end of the year.

As always, we thank you for following us in our efforts, and look forward to bringing you high quality posts on the American Civil War.

1 Response to Site Update

  1. Love this site. Keep up the good work.

    any chance for a Chivington Article? I have been doing research on him and Sand Creek for a few years and would love to hear from anyone who has info, opinions, etc.

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