Showing results for "sarah kay bierle"

A Walk to the Site of Pelham’s Death

At the Symposium over the weekend, one of the attendees asked me how to get to the John Pelham marker at Kelly’s Ford. “Keep walking out the trail, and when you think you’ve gone too far, keep going,” I told him. “You’ll eventually come to a fork. Take the right, and it’s off in the […]


The 2019-2020 ECW Speakers Bureau is Now Available

Emerging Civil War is pleased to announce that our new 2019-2020 Speakers Bureau brochure is now available. If you’re looking to book an ECW speaker for your roundtable, historical society, or museum, our speakers bureau brochure provides one-stop shopping! We have twenty-three speakers listed in this year’s brochure (alphabetically), including some new names:


Week In Review: July 29-August 4, 2019

Symposium Week! In fact as this post publishes, we’re finishing up (or driving back) from the Sunday morning tour of North Anna sites. We hope you enjoyed the symposium if you attended or are having a fabulous weekend wherever you are! Monday, July 29: Question of the Week – Montegomery or Richmond and a great […]


August-September 2019 Presentations

August: 2nd – 4th: The Sixth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge, Spotsylvania, VA 12th: Chris Kolakowski, “1864: Decision at Sea,” Rappahannock Valley Civil War Round Table, Fredericksburg, VA


Week In Review: July 22-28, 2019

Looking back at a summer’s week with lots of interviews, a new podcast, a visit to Chambersburg and discussion of the burning, and rediscovery of a Union nurse’s photograph.


ECW Awards


Symposium Spotlight: Raffle Time

What does Emerging Civil War do with the money from it’s fundraiser raffle at the Symposium? We support preservation efforts! For the 2019 Symposium, Kristen Pawlak and Sarah Kay Bierle worked together to bring a variety of new and big ticket items to the event. You’ll find night’s stays at historic sites, museum tickets, audiobooks, […]


Week In Review: July 15-21, 2019

Welcome back for another Week In Review. We’ve got some social history mixed with military history this week. Find perspective on lesser-known battles, details about Hood taking command, a series about hunger during the war, and tips for researching in women’s studies, and much more!


Manassas: Moment of Truth

The heat bore down oppressively. Not the soaring temperatures I’d known in California, but rather a choking, wet warmth that signaled I had come back to the land of war. That was one of the first things I noticed, stepping out of the rental in the visitor center parking lot at Manassas National Battlefield.  It […]