Posted on April 3, 2020
Alongside Spotsylvania’s Bloody Angle and Shiloh’s Hornet’s Nest, the fighting in David Miller’s Cornfield on the Antietam battlefield ranks as…
Posted on March 17, 2020
Biographies abound of the Confederacy’s more well-known cavalry officers, especially J. E. B. Stuart and Nathan Bedford Forrest. But similar…
Posted on March 6, 2020
1st Colorado, 1st New Mexico, Battle of Peralta, Juanita— names not usually and immediately associated with the American Civil War…
Posted on February 28, 2020
Do you have ten pounds of books in your backpack? (And an additional twenty pounds of books in a…
Posted on February 21, 2020
When the CSS Virginia steamed into Hampton Roads on March 8, 1862 and tore through the Federal ships there, naval…
Posted on February 13, 2020
The Confederacy faced a series of ever-increasing problems by the winter of 1863-1864. Logistically, they were running out of supplies.…
Posted on February 11, 2020
Once in a while, someone will comment on just how there can be so many books about one topic–the American…
Posted on February 2, 2020
Take a look for a moment at the opening sentence of E. L. Doctorow’s The March: At five in the…
Posted on January 19, 2020
I recently reviewed Ralph Peters’ newest Civil War novel, Darkness at Chancellorsville, for Civil War Monitor (you can read that…
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