ECW Week in Review July 3-9
This past week at Emerging Civil War we marked the anniversaries of Gettysburg and Monocacy. We also commemorated Independence Day. If you missed any of our holiday week posts, you may catch up on them following the hyperlinks below.
Our tradition continued during the Gettysburg anniversary by remembering Pickett’s Charge and posting an excerpt from William Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust. Authors Chris Mackowski, Phill Greenwalt, Dan Davis and Dan Welch also contributed posts on the campaign and battle.
Ryan Quint also observed the Battle of Monocacy.
In honor of July 4, new author Todd Arrington posted President Abraham Lincoln’s Independence Day message to Congress in 1861.
Julie Mujic wrote a post that emphasized the value, especially for Civil War books, of the index.
Guest author Darryl Smith wrote about the Civil War in Cynthiana, Kentucky.