Central Virginia Battlefields Trust Event

Central Virginia Battlefields Trust (CVBT):

An Upcoming Special Event

CVBT will be hosting a public event at the Central Rappahannock Regional Library in downtown Fredericksburg on Saturday, October 1, 7:00-8:30 pm, and I’d like to invite everyone to attend. The theme is centered around CVBT’s 15th anniversary as a preservation organization, with the centerpiece of the evening being the first public showing of a video called “On the Front Lines.” This is a 30 minute video telling our history, who we are, what we’re about, what we have and hope to accomplish, etc, and everyone who attends will be given a free copy to take home with them.

The emcee will be Tom Van Winkle, CVBT’s Director of Communications. Both Scott Walker and I will speak for a few minutes before the video is shown, some of our Board members will be there, and  there will be ample time afterward for a question-and-answer session.

My hope is that a good number of folks will come out to hear more about CVBT, its missions and its motives, and I am especially hopeful that folks who don’t quite understand why battlefield preservation is so important (or actually are actively against such preservation) will come out to listen and dialogue (honestly, respectfully, non-confrontationally), since I do believe that such a discussion will lead to a better understanding on both sides of the issue.

WHERE: Central Rappahannock Regional Library, 1201 Caroline St., downtown Fredericksburg

WHEN: Saturday, October 1, 2011, 7:00-8:30 pm

WHY: Learn more about CVBT. Meet and greet some of the leadership of the organization. See a cool video and get a free copy to take home with you.

WHO: The public is invited, and whether you are for or against or neutral about preserving our local Civil War battlefields, you will be welcomed. If there are questions, please contact Tom VanWinkle (cvbtdircom@aol.com) or me (drmste@aol.com)

See you Saturday evening, October 1!

Mike Stevens


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