Symposium Takeaway: Steward Henderson

We’ve asked our ECW historians to reflect on this year’s symposium and share with us one or two takeaways they came away with. Next up: Steward Henderson.

“There was a great exchange of opinions on the legacies of the Civil War and the current controversy of the Confederate battle flag. The Sesquicentennial broadened the legacies with the participation of African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans. These groups had been largely left out of previous anniversaries of the war.

“As Civil War historians, it is our duty to educate people in the factual history of the greatest event in our history. We use our blog, books, tours, and living history programs to continue in that education. Our exposure on CSPAN is another venue to expand our audience.

“Kris’s tour of Chancellorsville was an excellent example of this education in action, especially with the telling of the stories of the men who fought in this battle. It made the combatants come alive. My wife said that she felt as though she was in the middle of the battle at Hazel Grove and Fairview.”

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