Question of the Week: 12/26-1/1/17


As we reflect and share “Year In Review” from ECW’s blog, we’d like to know… What was your favorite blog post or series of the year?

6 Responses to Question of the Week: 12/26-1/1/17

  1. My own work has been a little short this year, but I finished my Masters and the first rewrite of the Ellsworth book, so it is not like I haven’t been writing! I think the book reviews are a good addition to ECW–and we have done several good ones. They result, at least for me, in book purchases–so they qualify as my favorites. Happy New Year to all!

  2. This one’s easy. Dave Powell’s series on Longstreet going West. Well-written and informative, especially the focus on logistics. I was happy to learn Dave plans on writing a book about the subject.

    ECW keep up the good work. I look forward to meeting some of the ECW bloggers in person at the symposium in August. It will be my first (but I’m sure not my last) one.

  3. As the “official reader” for the Manassas Museum, I cannot pick out any one ECW book as a favorite. All that has to be said to me is “A new ECW book has come in for you to read” and I’m there to pick it up as soon as possible. The entire series is wonderful, and I recommend any of them to folks who visit the museum. Interestingly, some of the local “newbies” to Bristoe/Bristow/Bristowe (depending on how you want to spell it) don’t know about the battle there, so they are amazed with a book with such local color.
    Keep up the good work.

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