ECW Week in Review: 15-21 January
We’ve had another busy week here at ECW as we prepare for our site migration next week. While our authors continue to produce great content, there will not be any activity on the site next week so as not to interrupt the migration. You may click on the links below to read each post.
This past week, our Symposium Spotlight was on Jim Morgan.
Chris Mackowski offered thoughts on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. He also shared a tour of the Atlanta Cyclorama. You may read the series in its entirety here.
Steve Davis discussed a review of the Army of Tennessee in the fall of 1864 and Sherman’s March to the Sea.
Dwight Hughes wrote about the ironclads USS Monitor and CSS Virginia.
Ryan Quint reviewed Under the Crescent Moon with the XI Corps in the Civil War.
Chris Kolakowski compared one of the most infamous moments in post-season baseball history to the Battle of Chancellorsville.