Welcome Back! ECW is Live!
Emerging Civil War would like to announce that the migration is complete and we are back online. We would like to thank all of our readers for their patience over the course of the last couple weeks as we have moved to the new server. ECW would not be where it is today without you.
We also owe a debt of gratitude to John DePasquale, Sharon Markgraf and Ata Birol at Cyberbility, who worked on the migration.
If you have us bookmarked in your favorites, please update the link to:
The first thing you will notice is the layout has not changed. In the coming weeks and months, we will be updating our homepage in an effort to make our features more accessible, especially our archives. We have nearly seven years of material available. Also, we will begin a series of podcasts that will be made available on the site and for download. Rest assured, navigation and usability for our readers is the top consideration and priority as we make these updates. Any and all changes to the site will be announced prior to deployment.
Again, thank you for your patience.