Preservation News: Stonewall Brigade Tract Gets Eagle Scout Attention

It’s so inspiring to see young folks involved in battlefield preservation work. Check-out this highlight from Central Virginia Battlefields Trust‘s Summer Newsletter:

Aspiring Eagle Scout Gabriel Hupp joined up with CVBT to see what he could do to help
his local battlefield. Upon hearing that the Stonewall Brigade Tract at Chancellorsville
needed some well-deserved maintenance, Mr. Hupp sprang into action. He organized more than a dozen youth and adult volunteers to help with the project, which he personally fundraised. Over the course of two days, they performed a number of
much-needed tasks, beginning with the deconstructionof 150 feet of anachronistic
barbed wire fence where the property fronts Route 3.

The stretch was replaced with period-correct post-andrail fencing. Each post required
its own three-foot hole, accomplished via a handheld auger. After accomplishing this backbreaking work, Mr. Hupp constructed two wooden bench-style picnic tables and cleared the grounds of deadfall debris.

The Stonewall Brigade Tract, as a result of these attentions, appears very well maintained and will serve as a memento of Mr. Hupp’s dedication to the battlefield. CVBT  congratulates him on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout and wishes him the best as he graduates high school.

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