The Evolution of Cavalry Tactics: How Technology Drove Change (Redux)

In 2014, Eric Wittenberg ran the first three parts of an eight-part series about the evolution of cavalry tactics in response to the impact of technological change.
“And then I got busy with a book project, forgot about this series, and never finished it,” he admits. “I wrote part four and then dropped the ball.”
Well, we’re pleased to finally bring you the second half of the series, beginning later this week with part four. In the meantime, we thought we’d give you a chance to refresh yourselves on the first three parts of the series:
“I intend to write the remaining four parts as time permits over the coming weeks,” Eric says. “Please forgive me for dropping the ball.”
How could we not when he gives us great cav stuff like this! Look for part four on Thursday morning.
We would wait until Hell freezes over for your stuff, Eric–so now that it has finally happened . . .
I can’t wait to see the rest.