Symposium Spotlight: Forgotten Battles


We have a fantastic line-up of topics slated for our upcoming Sixth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge, where we’ll be focusing on “Forgotten Battles.” We want to ask you about your own favorite forgotten battle but first, let’s take a look at that line-up:

  • The Battles of Philippi and the Romney Expedition
  • The New Market Campaign (not the battle but the overlooked campaign aspects)
  • The Battle of Olustee
  • The Battle of Williamsburg
  • The Battle for the Sounds: Burnside’s North Carolina Expedition
  • The Tullahoma Campaign
  • “The Great Battle Never Fought”: The Mine Run Campaign
  • The Battle of Wilson’s Creek
  • The Battle of Fort Stevens
  • The Battle of Dranesville
  • The Battle of Secessionville
  • The Battle of North Anna River
  • Forgotten Battles of the Petersburg Campaign

While most of those names are probably at least familiar to most of our readers, many of the details of the battles—and the implications of the aftermaths—probably are not. We guarantee there’ll be lots of cool stuff to learn, and you’re certain to find some surprises along the way.

Looking at this list, is there anything here you think is especially undervalued or underappreciated? Why? (Of course, they’re all undervalued and appreciated to some degree or they wouldn’t be “forgotten.”)

Is there anything on this list that you’re especially interested in learning more about or excited to hear?

What’s NOT on the list but which you think deserves some attention?

If you want to participate in the discussion in person, a few tickets are still available because of some late cancellations. The event runs August 2-4, and the tickets are $155, available here. We’d love to see you!

7 Responses to Symposium Spotlight: Forgotten Battles

  1. The Tullahoma Campaign is key both at the operational level & execution, as well as the question of a relatively bloodless endeavor to achieve so much vs competing bloody campaigns in the perception of the governing powers, the press & the public. The largest omission from the list is the Prairie Grove Campaign given its strategic significance as well as the Herculean achievement of Herron’s march.

  2. A great list, am especially interested in Wilson’s Creek (for personal reasons) and the Siege of Petersburg battles. The Red River Campaign is often overlooked from the standpoint of the reinforcements it denied Sherman. And I love Pea Ridge. Cannot wait to break bread with everyone.

  3. Oklolona. Consequential. Victorious Forrest under Polk’s expert command forced Sherman to rename his failed Selma Campaign to “my Meridian Campaign.”

  4. Forgotten battles of West Virginia – Cheat Mountain, Rich Mountain, Carnifix Ferry, ,Droop Mountain, etc.

    1. Battle of Fort York (Yadkin River RR crossing near Salisbury, NC) on 12 April 1865 (after Appomattox but before the much larger surrender at Bennett Place). Part of Stoneman’s Raid 22Mar-27April 1865; Pres. Davis crossed the ford here 16-17 April on his way to capture in Irvinville GA on 10 May.
      The Confederate tactical victory at Fort York was their last military “success” in NC in 1865.

  5. The two battles of Cynthiana, Kentucky. The height of John H. Morgan, and the lowest point of his as well. Not too many towns can claim two battles that took place in the streets. Also, the Battle of Augusta, Kentucky, the battle that “saved” Cincinnati. 🙂

  6. And I have more: Battle of Camp Wild Cat…proved to Felix Zollicoffer that he could not sustain a force in eastern Kentucky, a lesson Abe Lincoln should have learned. Mill Springs – a victory for the Union when it needed one. Ivy Mountain and Middle Creek – secured eastern Kentucky for the Union and provided some battlefield experience to fledgling Union forces and leaders (such as Nelson and Garfield). Richmond, Kentucky – probably the most complete Confederate victory of the war and one that would lead indirectly to Bull Nelson’s murder.

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