Week In Review: October 21-27, 2019

It’s the final week of the John Brown Series, and you’ll also find a new podcast, a post about the Battle of Glendale, and more…

Monday, October 21:

Question of the Week addressed education and memory surrounding John Brown’s Raid.

John Brown: Sean Michael Chick wrote about John Brown, Frederick Douglass, and Radical Abolitionists.

Tuesday, October 22:

John Brown: Jon-Erik Gilot shared about the Western Virginia Militia and their witness moments at John Brown’s execution.

John Brown: Check out the history and the intentional choices behind the series header.

The newest episode of the ECW Podcast is available: “A Conversation with Charlie Knight”

Wednesday, October 23:

John Brown: Kristen Pawlak wrote about Brown’s days in Kansas in the 1850’s.

Ryan Quint posted the book review for “Hymns of the Republic.”

John Brown – From the ECW Archives: A post about Luke Quinn, the U.S. Marine who died of his injuries at Harpers Ferry.

Thursday, October 24:

John Brown: Kevin Pawlak added historical details about Governor Wise and the Virginia militia’s attempts to prevent another “Brown incident.”

C-SPAN is airing the presentation about the New Market Campaign from the 2019 ECW Symposium.

Friday, October 25:

Doug Crenshaw wrote about the Battle of Glendale as a lost opportunity.

ECW Weekender: Kevin Pawlak posted about Dangerfield Newby’s birthplace.

Saturday, October 26:

Saving History Saturday shared the news that the African American Civil War Museum is expanding.

John Brown: Meg Groeling shared about Bronson Alcott and the “Secret Six” who aided Brown.

Sunday, October 27:

This morning Chris Mackowski added a post about a soldier’s view of Harpers Ferry.

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