Civil War Trails: Rogersville, Tennessee

Cruising down (or up) interstate 81 near the Virginia line? Get off the interstate and explore beautiful Hawkins, County. The rolling hills, byways, historic sites and Rogersville’s downtown won’t disappoint. 

Three Civil War Trails sites nearby recount several incredible stories which likely won’t be on your radar. The Battle of Big Creek on November 6, 1863 was one of most vicious short actions of the war you’ve never heard about. The Clay-Kenner House and the Courthouse are two other sites that uncover the complexities of life in a smaller rural town. 

The Eatery at Amis Mill

Before riding into Rogerville head out towards the Historic Amis Mill for lunch. As you sit on the porch watching the water spill over the dam you’ll notice down the hill the glint of a Civil War Trails sign. Walk on down along the water and enjoy the collection of historic structures on your way to read about the fighting which swirled around there in 1863. 

Refresh and excited, hop back in the car and head into downtown Rogersville. Walking between the two Civil War Trails sites is easy but make sure you don’t forget to visit Roger’s Cemetery in Crockett Spring Park around the corner from Main Street. We won’t spoil the Crockett connection but its worth the visit. 

Check in at Amis Mill’s beautiful visitors center.

Pop into Coffee at the Kyle to get your caffeine fix before you hit the interstate. Looking for overnight accommodations? Traveling with your partner? Check into the Hale Springs Inn for something more romantic. However, if you’re on the road with your battlefield buddies cruise back over the Amis Mill. A cigar and bourbon at the cabin is the right way to end the day! 

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4 Responses to Civil War Trails: Rogersville, Tennessee

  1. You missed the marker noting that Rogersville was the birthplace of CS LTGN Alexander P. Stewart.

      1. It’s a Tennessee Historical Commission marker on the side of an old hospital building. Granted, it is hard to find! Nice article, and Rogersville is a great place to visit.

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