Year In Review 2021: ECW Youtube

The ECW YouTube channel is BRIMMING with amazing and engaging content! Our intrepid ECW contributors have trekked to several battlefields to share the stories and strategies behind some of our favorite Civil War battles and campaigns. Not to mention the phenomenal guest speakers who delivered some awesome interviews – both on the battlefield and from the comfort of their homes. Also, we hosted our second Virtual Symposium, featuring some of the brightest minds in ECW, presenting on their chosen topics. If you haven’t subscribed or binge-watched these fantastic videos, what are you waiting for!?

Head on over to the ECW YouTube page and browse hours upon hours worth of Civil War awesomeness!

Here are some shortcuts to some choice playlists from 2021.

A visit to Petersburg and a tour with Pamplin Park’s director of education and interpretation, Tim Talbott.

Women’s History Month (February), featuring interviews with the Ladies of ECW and a guided tour of the monuments at Gettysburg with the incomparable Sue Boardman.

The 2021 Emerging Civil War Virtual Symposium with speakers Christ Mackowski, Jonathan Tracey, Stewart Henderson, Sarah Bierle, and Doug Crenshaw.

A walk through Stones River Battlefield with Chris Mackowski.

Broadcasting all the way from the Trans-Mississippi, Phill Greenwalt shares about some far-off Civil War sites.

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