Week In Review: February 28-March 6, 2022
Lots of guest posts this week, the start of Women’s History Month, books, art, and more over the last seven days on the ECW Blog. Here’s the week in review in case you missed anything or want to re-read!
Monday, February 28:
Question of the Week — pick 3 turning points.
Guest author Richard Heisler wrote about the loss of the 1890 Census and what does survive.
Patrick Young from the Reconstruction Blog shared about Black History Month and the erasure of Black History.
Tuesday, March 1:
Starting Women’s History Month 2022…
Kristen Trout posted about Marmaduke’s defensive line at Byram’s Ford.
Forts: Conclusion of the blog series that took a journey through locations and history of Civil War forts.
Wednesday, March 2:
Symposium Spotlight: Phill Greenwalt will be exploring the “What Ifs” of a Confederate empire in the southwest at the symposium in August.
Neil P. Chatelain posted comparisons between the American Civil War and the invasion of Ukraine.
Guest author Bruce Allardice wrote about finding a “lost general.”
Brian Swartz shared what’s new on the Maine at War blog.
Thursday, March 3:
Steve Davis reviewed Day by Day through the Civil War in Georgia.
Guest author Ben Powers shares bookshelf commentary about The Challenges of Command.
The Pittsburgh Symposium featuring ECW speakers is sold out!
Friday, March 4:
Guest author Patrick Kelly-Fischer wrote about the Battle of Valverde.
Civil War Trails installed a new sign…just in time for Women’s History Month. Check it out!
Saturday, March 5:
Saving History Saturday: Chicago’s Grand Army of the Republic hall will reopen after structural preservation.
Chris Mackowski found some artwork of General Reynolds.
Sunday, March 6:
This morning Sarah Kay Bierle posted about Eliza Hamilton in the 1840’s and George Templeton Strong’s diary entries about her.