Looking back “Four Score & Seven Years” with Emerging Revolutionary War

Since it’s April 19th and the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord which started which started the Revolutionary War in 1775, we wanted to take a moment and give a shout-out to ECW’s “sister site”: Emerging Revolutionary War.
If you haven’t visited recently, be sure to check out their blog which has several great new posts this month! And don’t miss out of the Rev War Revelry on their Facebook page, featuring authors and historians on selected Sundays each month. There’s also a 2022 ERW Symposium and Bus Tour on the horizon as well.
It’s beneficial to look back “four score and seven years” on the U.S. History time from the Civil War and learn more about the Revolutionary War and nation’s founding. Emerging Revolutionary War offers a variety of ways to do that!