Saving History Saturday: 28 Acres of New Market Heights Battlefield Donated to the Capital Region Land Conservancy
The owners of Four Mile Creek Farm, a core part of the New Market Heights Battlefield, donated 28 acres of the 73-acre farm to the Capital Region Land Conservancy, to be preserved forever. The remaining 45-acres will be conveyed to CRLC at a later date.
On September 29, 1864, U.S. Colored Troops broke through Confederate defenses. The battle, directly led to the fall of Petersburg, and led to Fourteen African American soldiers receiving the Medal of Honor in recognition of their valor during the battle.
“You could have knocked me over with a feather”, Howard C. Eberly III, whose family has owned the land for over one hundred years, said when he learned that his farm ranked within the top 10% of land in Virginia to protect, across several categories.
The property is identified as a top priority by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s ConserveVirginia 3.0 model for its Cultural and Historic Preservation, Natural Habitat and Ecosystem Diversity, Protected Landscapes Resilience, Scenic Preservation and Water Quality Improvement categories. It also lies entirely within the National Audubon Society’s Lower James River Important Bird Area, supporting the densest piscivorous bird community in Virginia.
CRLC has committed to opening the land for future public access as well as coordinating with adjacent lands owned by Henrico County that are identified as a future New Market Park.
To learn more about CRLC and the donation of Four Mile Creek Farm, click here.
“Directly led to the fall of Petersburg”?
Directly Led to the fall of Petersburg? I don’t think so since that was eight months in the future.
Out of curiosity- how did the battle directly lead to the fall of
Petersburg in Aril of 1865? First I have seen that claim as I understand the Confederates simply dig another set of trenches. Whatever units the Confederates transferred towards Richmond had no lasting impact on the Union assault on Petersburg which failed that summer. No arguing the heroics of the USCTs but no need to exaggerate the impact of the battle. So please explain.
As Grant anticipated, Lee shifted 10,000 troops to meet the new threat against Richmond, weakening his lines west of Petersburg.
Yes Lee shifted troops from Petersburg to the lines around Richmond however the question remains how did that directly impact the fall of Richmond/Petersburg seven months later? While New Market Heights diverted attention from the Union attack south of Petersburg (Battle of Peebles Farm (30 Sep-2 Nov) which while a Union success it was a limited one and was one of the numerous battles grinding Lee’s army down to its eventual defeat. The Confederate units sent north quickly returned back to the Petersburg area as it became apparent the Army of The James had reverted to the defense. How was New Market Heights any more responsible for the fall of Petersburg than any of the other battles from the Wilderness through the end of 1865?
In order to draw Gen. Robert E. Lee’s attention from a movement against the Southside Railroad west of Petersburg, and by extending the Union lines .
Glad to learn that this vital core battlefield land has been saved!