August 2022 Newsletter Available!
Yes, it’s September, but did you get your August 2022 ECW Newsletter earlier this week, before the calendar flipped months? We had a lot of news last month. If you missed the newsletter, you missed:
- Editor-in-Chief Chris Mackowski’s appreciation for the American Battlefield Trust, recipient of this year’s Emerging Civil War Award for Service in Civil War Public History
- Kris White AND Sarah Kay Bierle get framed certificates and some love from The Simpsons
- A run-down of our other ECW award recipients
- Preliminary details about our Ninth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge
- Two new books on the ECW Bookshelf
- Phill Greenwalt speaking at a lectern on the lawn of a historic home
- ECW authors appearing in Crossfire, Civil War Monitor, Wild West Magazine, and on various podcasts
…and much more!
Read the August 2022 ECW Newsletter here. If you’re not a subscriber, we recommend that you sign up to get our email every month. Just follow the link, and at the top of the newsletter will be a blue button that says “Join our email list.” (If you think you should be getting it but aren’t, check your junk mail folder and be sure to authorize us as “not junk.”) Be assured: we do not give out your email addresses to anyone!
While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow ECW on Facebook, Instagram (@Emergingcwblog), and YouTube. Please share and like our pages.
One Simple Thing You Can Do to Help ECW
Emerging Civil War is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. If you’re interested in supporting “emerging voices” by making a tax-deductible donation, you can make a gift through PayPal. Thank you!