CWRT: Sustainability Challenge
by Carol VanOrnum
Civil War Round Table Congress VP
President Abraham Lincoln once said, “That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” Sharing how success can be achieved so that all can have the opportunity to succeed is the foundation of the CWRT Congress’ mission.
But we know that the width and breadth of round table success comes from those individual Civil War Round Tables which have tried, failed, and tried again. It is a tribute to their successes that is revealed as blueprints for others. “Knowing what works” begins with “learning what works.”
The CWRT Congress has created a method that can aid round tables to achieve success. The Sustainability Challenge provides every Civil War Round Table and leaders with time-tested tools for planning and implementing a well-rounded series of activities.
The Challenge, located on the CWRT Congress website, is available to all without charge. It consists of ten modules covering member retention and engagement, education, recruitment, public image, leadership, committees, and more. Each module involves self-guided activities and practices, which when completed have successfully challenged your Civil War Round Table to be a more vibrant and engaged version of itself.
The beauty of completing the Sustainability Challenge is that as more round tables complete it, more information about ways and means of success can be shared with others. And when all ten modules are completed and submitted to the CWRT Congress, your round table will be awarded a certificate and recognition across numerous social channels.
Change rarely occurs in an instant. It happens one step at a time, by building and creating a better version of itself. The Sustainability Challenge can get you started or help you continue on your journey to a long and prosperous future.
“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” We invite you to accept this Challenge. Like President Lincoln, the CWRT Congress believes in the value of helping others achieve success.
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