June 2023 ECW Newsletter Now Available
The June 2023 ECW Newsletter went out today. Did you get your copy? If you did, you got to explore some historic cemeteries in St. Louis, but if you didn’t, you missed:
- the gravesites of Derek Maxfield’s favorite general, the “Man of Fire,” and Dan Welch’s favorite miscreant, whom he’d like you to think better of
- a chance to celebrate an anniversary with Phill Greenwalt
- a new YouTube channel from Maine at War
- “Such a Clash of Arms” that Kevin Pawlak has writer’s cramp just thinking about it
- News and Notes that take us to New Orleans, Boston, New Hampshire, Maine, L.A., North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, Buffalo, White Plains, and Mexico. And other places, too.
Plus more!
You can read the June 2023 ECW Newsletter here.
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While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow ECW on Facebook, Instagram (@Emergingcwblog), and YouTube. Please share and like our pages.
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