August 2023 ECW Newsletter Is Available!
The August 2023 ECW Newsletter is in your inbox if you’ve subscribed…or you can view it here!
Highlights from the newsletter include:
- A special announcement from Chris Mackowski
- Links to all the press release for the 2023 ECW Awards
- Notes & News from the ECW writers!
- An exclusive and “paw-sitive” interview with a “famous” battlefield pup
- And more…
If you’re not a subscriber, we recommend that you sign up to get our email every month. Just follow the link to the newsletter, and at the top of the page will be a blue button that says “Join our email list.” (If you think you should be getting it but aren’t, check your junk mail folder and be sure to authorize us as “not junk.”) Be assured: we do not give out your email addresses to anyone!
While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow ECW on Facebook, Instagram (@Emergingcwblog), and YouTube. Please share and like our pages.
You Can Help Support Emerging Civil War
Emerging Civil War is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. If you’re interested in supporting “emerging voices” by making a tax-deductible donation, you can do so by you can do so by visiting our website:; you can mail us a check at the address below (make checks payable to “Emerging Civil War”); or you can make a gift through PayPal.
David Powell turned me onto ECW a few years ago. During that time I have looked forward to the ECW emails every day. Chris, you have done a great job of improving my knowledge of the civil war. For that I want to thank you. Sad to see you go, but we’ll get some more books to read. Sarah will be great, because she already is.