Dillsburg Adds Two Markers to York County’s Civil War Trails Program

DILLSBURG, PA – Dills Tavern and the Maple Shade Barn were added earlier this month to the multi-state Civil War Trails program in York County. This positions Dillsburg as a perfect place for travelers from New York and the New England region to begin their Civil War Trails exploration. These new stories are related to the Battle of Gettysburg, which is popular internationally and will increased visitation by those interested in a more comprehensive narrative.

With the addition of these new sites in Dillsburg, the Civil War Trails program now offers 10 sites in York County and more than 1,500 sites across six states. Each site is actively marketed by a coalition of state, regional, and municipal tourism partners such as Explore York.

The overall goal of the Civil War Trails program is sustainable economic development. Melissa Beaverson, Director of Destination Marketing for Explore York, said, “As visitors explore these sites, they’re not only standing in the footsteps of historic events but they’re enjoying our local restaurants, breweries, and shops, all while staying overnight.”

Beaverson’s sentiment was reinforced by research from Civil War Trails, Inc., citing their visitors tend to travel in a group of three, spend three to four nights, and are between 25-34 years old. They spend between $1,000 and $1,200 per trip. Besides historic sites, these visitors are also interested in hiking, cycling, paddling, live music, arts, craft beverages, and historic downtowns – making York County a wonderful place for program expansion. This ‘pairing’ also works well for the team at the Northern York County Historical and Preservation Society (NYCHAPS), who operates both Dillsburg sites.

Doug Riley, President of the NYCHAPS Board, is thrilled. “We’re excited to join the Civil War Trails program. Given their history in attracting new visitors and our new distillery efforts, we’re confident we’ll see a big audience for years to come.” The project resulted from a partnership between NYCHAPS, Civil War Trails, Inc., and Explore York. The York County Tourism Grant Program provided the necessary funding to create and install the signs and Explore York’s continued membership with the Civil War Trails program will enable the partners to market these sites to prospective visitors.

To request a visitor guide, visit YorkPA.org or call 717-852-9675. To find out more about the Civil War Trails program, visit CivilWarTrails.org. Be sure to snap a #signselfie and post it with #civilwartrails and tag @exploreyorkpa.

2 Responses to Dillsburg Adds Two Markers to York County’s Civil War Trails Program

  1. I’ve been to Dillsburg. I would have loved to have received more information on the new signage than these generalities, and the smiling locals.

    1. Hey John! Thanks for your interest in our program and the new sites in Dillsburg. They both focus on Stuart’s ride through York Co. during the Gettysburg Campaign. One focuses on the story of a young man caught between the lines and another about the moment Stuart’s troopers come through Dillsburg. We know you will enjoy them next time you visit Dillsburg. Cheers – Drew @ Trails.

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