The Anniversary of the “Blood-Tinted Waters” at Cool Spring

Our friends at Shenandoah University’s McCormick Institute for Civil War Studies are commemorating the 160th anniversary of the battle of Cool Spring this weekend. You can find out full details here. The battlefield is just a short hop outside Winchester, Virginia.

Our latest Emerging Civil War Series book, The Blood-Tinted Waters of the Shenandoah: The 1864 Valley Campaign’s Battle of Cool Spring, July 17–18, 1864 by Jonathan Noyalas, recounts the story of the oft-forgotten battle and highlights the fantastic work the McCormick Institute has done preserving the battlefield and turning it into a hands-on classroom and laboratory. There’s some fantastic research in the book about the men who fell as casualties at the battle, too. (And ECW’s own Jon Tracey makes a cameo appearance in the book with an appendix!)

The book is available from Savas Beatie, and all royalties go to support the McCormick Institute. We’re proud of all our ECWS books, but the chance to support the work of the McCormick Institute made this project particularly special.

And if you haven’t listened yet, check out our recent interview with Jonathan on the Emerging Civil War Podcast (click here). You can also watch at the ECW YouTube page:

1 Response to The Anniversary of the “Blood-Tinted Waters” at Cool Spring

  1. I enjoy how these largely undiscussed engagements give you a fuller, more nuance view of the tactical and leadership skills of various commanders.

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