Ann, I don’t know where you live but I can tell you our Hampton Roads Civil War Roundtable meetings are at least 40% women. You might want to give your local one a try.
I just rejoined the Executive Board of the Capital District Civil War Round Table. I have been a member there for more than 30 years. Over that time, I filled all sorts of jobs. At the moment I chair the Membership Committee and write the lead articles for our newsletter.
I regularly attend Civil War Round Table meetings. When I am in Ohio, I attend the Cleveland Civil War Round Table and when I am in Florida for the Winter, I attend the North Fort Myers Civil War Round Table. I also usually attend the Cleveland Civil War Round table’s annual Fall fieldtrip.
Yes. Four days after moving to Roanoke, VA in December 2020, I had the pleasure of attending my first Roanoke CWRT meeting.
Founded in August 1983, and recipient of a prestigious 2024 Kegley Award for Heritage Education, the Roanoke CWRT brings to Southwest Virginia some of today’s finest historians and speakers to address “America’s Defining Event” (yes, I stole that – with attribution – from ECW for our brochure).
Speakers have included the late James “Bud” Robertson, Jack Davis, Caroline Janney, Paul Quigley, Jonathan Noyalas (each present or past leaders of their University’s Civil War centers), Battle of Gettysburg Podcaster Jim Hessler, Teresa Roane (Archivist at the American Civil War Museum), Ron Coddington (Editor and Publisher of Military Images), Betty Shideler (Living Historian on “Death & Mourning” during the War), and many other excellent speakers.
We hope to entice some of ECW’s speakers to join us. And, if any of you happen to be in the Roanoke area the second Tuesday evening of a month (excepting June-August), please drop in for a pre-meeting dinner and a fine/entertaining educational experience.
It’s not difficult to “entice” ECW speakers to present to a RT. Our experience in Hampton Roads has been that they are happy to come. They have been a staple of our programming. I highly recommend them.
I’m a member of the Hagerstown Civil War round table in Hagerstown, Maryland which is one of the oldest round tables in the country. I’m the program chairperson and am in charge of lining up the speakers. Fortunately our area had a wealth of excellent speakers, most who are authors. Check us out if you’re in the area.
Charlie, if ever your CWRT wishes a talk on the Court Martial of Fitz John Porter, please let me know. I have spoken to the Roanoke & Charlottesville CWRTs on the topic, and will be presenting the same to the CWRTs of the United Kingdom, York, PA, Shenandoah and Jersey Shore.
Monthly when available. Fredericksburg, VA.
Albany NY
I have considered it but never have followed through, probably because I was wondering if I would be the only woman in attendance!
You’ll never know if you don’t go! Our Round Table has a number of women members.
Ann, I don’t know where you live but I can tell you our Hampton Roads Civil War Roundtable meetings are at least 40% women. You might want to give your local one a try.
Been going to the monthly meetings with the Houston CWRT and it has been a good time.
Lincoln-Davis Civil War Roundtable in Alsip, Illinois and Ann Arbor Civil War Roundtable in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
No but I want to.
The one in Houston is excellent.
Indianapolis Civil War Round Table. Recently rejoined after a 10-year hiatus.
I just rejoined the Executive Board of the Capital District Civil War Round Table. I have been a member there for more than 30 years. Over that time, I filled all sorts of jobs. At the moment I chair the Membership Committee and write the lead articles for our newsletter.
I regularly attend Civil War Round Table meetings. When I am in Ohio, I attend the Cleveland Civil War Round Table and when I am in Florida for the Winter, I attend the North Fort Myers Civil War Round Table. I also usually attend the Cleveland Civil War Round table’s annual Fall fieldtrip.
I am a member of the Bull Run CWRT; Williamsburg CWRT and the Charlottesville CWRT. Usually Bull Run & Williamsburg is via zoom.
I’m a member of the Central Pennsylvania Civil War Roundtable in State College, PA
I am a member of the McHenry County Civil War Round Table in North central Illinois and attend regularly.
Tampa Bay Civil War Roundtable. We meet once a month.
Everytime there is one! (But then I am in charge ofvthe laptop…..) Greetings from ACWRTUK in London
Yes. Four days after moving to Roanoke, VA in December 2020, I had the pleasure of attending my first Roanoke CWRT meeting.
Founded in August 1983, and recipient of a prestigious 2024 Kegley Award for Heritage Education, the Roanoke CWRT brings to Southwest Virginia some of today’s finest historians and speakers to address “America’s Defining Event” (yes, I stole that – with attribution – from ECW for our brochure).
Speakers have included the late James “Bud” Robertson, Jack Davis, Caroline Janney, Paul Quigley, Jonathan Noyalas (each present or past leaders of their University’s Civil War centers), Battle of Gettysburg Podcaster Jim Hessler, Teresa Roane (Archivist at the American Civil War Museum), Ron Coddington (Editor and Publisher of Military Images), Betty Shideler (Living Historian on “Death & Mourning” during the War), and many other excellent speakers.
We hope to entice some of ECW’s speakers to join us. And, if any of you happen to be in the Roanoke area the second Tuesday evening of a month (excepting June-August), please drop in for a pre-meeting dinner and a fine/entertaining educational experience.
It’s not difficult to “entice” ECW speakers to present to a RT. Our experience in Hampton Roads has been that they are happy to come. They have been a staple of our programming. I highly recommend them.
Unfortunately, no. The last Civil War Round Table located in Maine is more than 100 miles from home.
I’m presently a member of the Rappahannock Valley CWRT in Fredericksburg, and a past president of the Petersburg CWRT.
Yes, I attend the Colonial Williamsburg Civil War Round Table.
And he tours with the Hampton Roads Civil War Roundtable! See you and your bride on March 8th for the “Battle of the Ironclads Harbor Tour” my friend!
I’m a member of the Hagerstown Civil War round table in Hagerstown, Maryland which is one of the oldest round tables in the country. I’m the program chairperson and am in charge of lining up the speakers. Fortunately our area had a wealth of excellent speakers, most who are authors. Check us out if you’re in the area.
Charlie, if ever your CWRT wishes a talk on the Court Martial of Fitz John Porter, please let me know. I have spoken to the Roanoke & Charlottesville CWRTs on the topic, and will be presenting the same to the CWRTs of the United Kingdom, York, PA, Shenandoah and Jersey Shore.
Yes!! Absolutely!! At least once a month!!