Showing results for "Civil War Cookin'"

Civil War Cookin’: Turkey For Dinner?

Civil War soldiers mention eating turkey (or wanting to eat turkey) for holiday meals. If they were lucky enough to catch, forage, or receive a turkey, that glorious moment would come when the big bird on a platter landed at the head of the table or on the central “cracker box table” and it was […]


Civil War Cookin’: Jefferson Davis Pie

Wednesday before Thanksgiving is always pie baking day at my house. When I open our 1952 edition of Irma Rombauer’s Joy of Cooking and turn to the pumpkin pie recipe, another recipe title catches my eye: Jefferson Davis Pie. I have to turn a few pages to find the actual recipe, but it sounds interesting. […]


Civil War Cookin’: Army Beans

There’s a spot that the soldiers all love, The mess-tent is that place we mean, And the dish that we like to see there Is the old-fashioned, white Army bean. Tis the bean that we mean, And we’ll eat as we ne’er ate before, The Army bean, nice and clean; We will stick to our […]


Civil War Cookin’: “Hard Tack Come Again No More”

Let us close our game of poker, take our tin cups in our hand As we all stand by the cook’s tent door As dried monies of hard crackers are handed to each man. O, hard tack, come again no more! CHORUS: ‘Tis the song, the sigh of the hungry: “Hard tack, hard tack, come […]


Civil War Cookin’ – Second Helpings?

While food might have been scarce for some military units and civilians during the Civil War, we’re not facing a scarcity of stories about food in the 1860’s! In 2016 I shared recipes and stories about food from the Civil War era on the week of Thanksgiving. It was a fun mini-series to write, and […]


Year In Review: Civil War Cookin’

It was just a 7 day, short, almost-silly blog post series, but it was sure fun to write and publish. And it was well received by readers! “Civil War Cookin’ ” guaranteed a new article every day of Thanksgiving Week (2016). Exploring different foods (beyond the standard hardtack and coffee), recipes, and culinary stories from the […]


Civil War Cookin’: What To Do With Leftovers (According To Major Pendleton)

If you had a feast yesterday, there’s a good possibility you have left-overs today. You might not believe it, but I have a story about left-overs during the Civil War. First, let’s clarify – there wasn’t a lot of extra food in the armies or on the Southern homefront. The phenomenon of left-overs likely didn’t […]


Civil War Cookin’: A Soldier’s Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving didn’t actually become an official American holiday until 1863. That doesn’t mean that Civil War Era soldiers and civilians were unfamiliar with giving thanks prior to Lincoln’s proclamation. Did Civil War soldiers celebrate Thanksgiving in the way we think of it today? Yes and no.


Civil War Cookin’: Don’t Cry…It’s Just An Onion

Onions. They add great flavor to holiday foods, but they aren’t fun to cut and chop. I usually end up a crying mess…and – oh joy – either my mom or I will have to chop the onions for stuffing and casseroles today! In honor of this vegetable that sneaks into so much of our […]