Showing results for "sarah kay bierle"

A Thousand Words a Battle: Fredericksburg

Battle of Fredericksburg December 13, 1862 During the Battle of Fredericksburg, the Irish Brigade in the II Corps of the Army of the Potomac rushed closest to the Confederate position at Marye’s Heights. They had witnessed the placing of the pontoon bridges on December 11, 1862, then crossed into the streets already damaged by urban […]


“What We Accomplished”: A Soldier from the 33rd Massachusetts Reflects on 1863

War in the Western Theater is a hardcover book in the Emerging Civil War collection, featuring numerous authors and edited by Sarah Kay Bierle and Chris Mackowski. Here’s a new blog post featuring a regiment and primary source excerpt reflecting on a unit’s arrival in the Western Theater.  Perhaps there is a tendency to “silo” […]


2024 Year in Review: The Top 25 Emerging Civil War Book Reviews

To end 2023 we shared a list of all 70+ book reviews that ECW published during the year. It was a significant jump from the 2022 total of 35 reviews. This year, we doubled the previous year’s total yet again. But instead of listing each of 2024’s 140 reviews, we thought it would be a […]


Demolition and Restoration at Fredericksburg’s Slaughter Pen Farm

In 2006, the American Battlefield Trust set out to save a key, 208-acre parcel at the southern end of the Fredericksburg battlefield. Historian Frank O’Reilly called it “the heart and soul” of the battlefield, because it’s where the entire battle was won and lost. The project came with a $12 million price tag—a big chunk […]


War in the Western Theater: Margarita Powered!

Little-known fact: The books in ECW’s 10th Anniversary Series are margarita powered! When I’m not on the road, I usually treat myself to “Margarita Day” once a week at El Patron Mexican Restaurant in Spotsylvania Court House. The tradition sprang from work on ECW books, which—at various spots in the production schedule—require a lot of […]


April 2024 Maine at War blog posts

In April 2024 my Maine at War blog examined why a state’s adjutant general equated nine-month recruits with cash and reported on the 1st Maine Cavalry Regiment participating in Stoneman’s Raid. We also met a young Mainer “discovered” by Sarah Kay Bierle! April 3, 2024: Maine adjutant general mistakes recruits for dollar bills Possibly ticked […]


Washington, D.C.’s Memorial to Civil War Sister Nurses

The Washington, D.C. Civil War monuments are some of the most visible reminders of the war’s outcome. Triumphant equestrian statues of Union generals tower over the city streets on large, stone pedestals, signaling the nation’s defeat over the Confederacy and the emancipation of slavery. However, one memorial stands apart from the others in both design […]


War in the Western Theater

The Emerging Civil War 10th Anniversary Series: War in the Western Theater: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War Savas Beatie, 2024 ISBN: 978-1-61121-596-0 eISBN: 978-1-954547-13-1 Specs: 10 maps, 100 images, 312 pp. Click here to order *** About the Book Often relegated to a backseat by action in the […]


Women Writing History!

We invited the women at Emerging Civil War to contribute to a discussion about writing and authorship, and you’ll find the discussion/answers below from those who chimed in. This topic was selected because it’s also a chance to spotlight the writing and publishing of all the women at ECW. Cecily Nelson Zander has a new […]