Year in Review 2015: #2

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We’re closing in on ECW’s most-read post of 2015. We’re all the way to number two on the list—the second-most-read post published during the year.

The number-two post comes from Wednesday, April 11, 2015—nearly two and a half centuries after the so-called “shot heard ’round the world”—as part of our Rev War Wednesday series.


Historian Rob Orrison, another of the “Founding Fathers” of our sister site, Emerging Revolutionary War, has written several posts about the Revolutionary battles of Lexington and Concord, and he’s since written about the battles with co-author Phill Greenwalt for the Civil War Trust’s Hallowed Ground magazine.

The second-most-read post of 2015: “‘A Negro Man’: Prince Estabrook of Lexington” by Rob Orrison

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