ECW’s March 2017 Newsletter Now Available
The March 2017 Emerging Civil War newsletter came out yesterday. If you haven’t received your copy yet, you can view it here (and please sign up for the mailing list while you’re at it, too!).
This month’s newsletter reflects on Women’s History Month and its value to young girls, in particular, who might be interested in getting into history. It also touches on some of our WHM efforts here at the blog and also offers a few suggestions from our archives for other posts that highlight the stories of women from the Civil War.
Our “10 Questions” feature turns the spotlight on one of our important behind-the-scenes contributors at ECW, Hannah Gordon (who had good news to share over the weekend).
And speaking of “behind the scenes,” our “Behind the Scenes” feature returns this month with a brief discussion of the pros and cons of footnotes in our ECWS books.
Plus, we have our usual “News & Notes,” “Upcoming Presentations,” and a Symposium Spotlight update. (Tickets are still available!)
The February 2017 newsletter featured a cover photo of Frederick Douglass’s grave from Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, NY. This month’s cover image should be easy. Can anyone offer a guess?