Week In Review: July 31-August 6

The first week in August is routinely one of the busiest weeks for Emerging Civil War members and guests. It’s usually not the week with most blog posts, but it’s Symposium Week! Lots of work getting ready to welcome and host guests for a weekend of history discussions, presentations, and a battlefield tour.

As you’ll see, we had quite a few blog posts sharing about that event, and we also featured some of our regular historical “fare” for you. Enjoy the week in review…

Chris Mackowski’s series and interview with the largest Civil War Round Table in the nation wrapped-up with Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and the Conclusion.

Dave Powell shared about his new history book Battle Above The Clouds in this post.

A guest post by Eric Sterner focused on the life and politics of Stanley Matthews, a lawyer in blue.

Another guest post by Michael Aubrecht discussed the dilemma faced by battlefield guides, educators, and visitors trying to interpret the battle scenarios and landscape when nature’s seasons create different views and scenery than at the time/season of the battle.

The Battle of Brandy Station got some extra attention this week, both in our Question of the Week and in a blog post by Dan Davis. (The Symposium’s battlefield tour will take guests to this battlefield!)

Earlier today we shared the schedule for upcoming historical presentations by ECW members. Are there any in your area this month? Come say “hello.”

And finally – the posts for the “unofficial theme of the week” – ECW 2017 Symposium “Great Defenses of the Civil War.” We’ve had posts about the Round Table Panel and a traffic alert. We caught a glimpse of Stevenson’s Ridge in the “calm before the storm.” We followed the announcements for C-SPAN Live at the event and details about ECW’s social media and live Facebook streaming from the symposium event. And – last but not least – we got a report from Saturday at the event.

Thank you to all our members and volunteers who have worked so hard to make this weekend happen! Thank you to our attending guests and to those who’ve followed on social media or live on C-SPAN or Facebook. Enjoy your Sunday and the last day of our 2017 Symposium.

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