ECW Week in Review 20-27 August
This past week was primarily devoted to a continuation of a number of our series, including the discussion on Confederate monuments, as well as the beginning of a new one. We also posted a conversation with the recipient of the Emerging Civil War Award for Service in Civil War Public History. You may click on the links below to read each post.
Matthew Christopher Hulbert, Kelly Mezurek, Meg Groeling, Dana Shoaf and Steward Henderson weighed in on the ongoing controversy regarding Confederate monuments.
Chris Mackowski shared a discussion he had with this year’s recipient of the Emerging Civil War Award in Civil War Public History, the editor and publisher of Blue & Gray Magazine, Dave Roth. You may access the entire five part series here.
Ryan Quint continued our observance of the Mexican War with a piece on Churubusco. He also began a new series on Dranesville.
Daniel T. Davis also continued his series on Jeb Stuart’s operations in August, 1862.
New author Doug Crenshaw began a series on Lost Battlefields.
Dwight Hughes continued his story of the CSS Arkansas.
Guest author Mike Block shared a story related to the aftermath of Cedar Mountain.
Drew Gruber posted on a site along Lee’s Retreat to Appomattox.
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about a recent experience at a living history event.