ECW Week in Review Oct. 9-15
We’ve had another busy week here at Emerging Civil War. Our ongoing series on the Mexican War continued along with coverage of the presentations from the Fourth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium. Remember, the Early Bird rate is still available for the Fifth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium. You may click on the links below to read each post.
Ryan Quint discussed the Battle of Huamantla. You may catch up on the entire series here.
C-SPAN3 continued its coverage of the Fourth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium. Matt Atkinson’s presentation on the Confederate defense of Vicksburg will re-air tonight at 6:55 p.m. EST. We will continue to announce the air times of each talk as they come available on the blog.
Edward Alexander reviewed Gordon Rhea’s new book, On to Petersuburg. He also discussed his efforts in mapping the Union assault on Fort Mahone at Petersburg.
Meg Groeling wrote about American author and cartoonist James Thurber’s piece on U.S. Grant at Appomattox.
We also announced a recent preservation victory at Bristoe Station.
Guest author Caleb Pascoe contributed a piece on Santa Rosa Island.