ECW Week in Review Oct. 15-22

October moves on at Emerging Civil War. This week saw the kickoff of a new series on the blog. You may click on the links below to read each post.

On Thursday we introduced a new series, Battlefield Markers and Monuments. Bert Dunkerly led off with the first post in the series. Additional posts from our writers will follow in the weeks ahead.

Earlier in the week, Meg Groeling shared an interview with Ted Savas of Savas Beattie Publishing on a new venture in historical fiction.

Dwight Hughes gave insight to the operations of Union and Confederate naval forces.

Edward Alexander discussed Nelson Miles’ actions at the Battle of Sutherland Station.

Kris White wrote about an important landmark in Fredericksburg, the Sentry Box.

Dan Davis discussed a Union artillerist and Medal of Honor recipient Edward Williston while highlighting the material in the ECW Archives. He also observed the 153rd Anniversary of the Battle of Cedar Creek with a post on the actions of George Getty’s VI Corps division during the engagement.


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