(Originally left as comments to the post before we did some reformatting to the site!)
Gerry says:
September 4, 2011 at 10:58 PM (Edit)
I’m confused, was this a mistake post? I can’t even tell what this picture is supposed to be….
emergingcivilwar says:
September 5, 2011 at 8:22 PM (Edit)
Nope, not a mistake at all. It’s a photo taken from inside Fort Sumter as the ranger was giving an orientation talk. We like the composition and the use of light in the shot, which caught our eye, so we thought we’d share. One of our objectives here at Emerging Civil War is to find new ways of looking at the war and new ways of telling its story.
(Originally left as comments to the post before we did some reformatting to the site!)
Gerry says:
September 4, 2011 at 10:58 PM (Edit)
I’m confused, was this a mistake post? I can’t even tell what this picture is supposed to be….
emergingcivilwar says:
September 5, 2011 at 8:22 PM (Edit)
Nope, not a mistake at all. It’s a photo taken from inside Fort Sumter as the ranger was giving an orientation talk. We like the composition and the use of light in the shot, which caught our eye, so we thought we’d share. One of our objectives here at Emerging Civil War is to find new ways of looking at the war and new ways of telling its story.