Happy Anniversary & BOO!

It’s that time of year again, and it is my ECW Anniversary. A little over a year ago I found Emerging Civil War on line. I noticed they didn’t have much (nothing!) about Elmer Ellsworth, so I mentioned that I had “stuff.”
Chris and Kris jumped right on it, asking me to submit a piece for consideration. The rest . . . are you ready? because I love writing this phrase . . . is history!!!
Since that time I have started a Master’s at American Public University (APU) in Military History, with a Civil War emphasis, sent as much as I could to ECW, and written most of my Ellsworth book, First Fallen. Now that I am in school, I can see where I need to add my recent research concerning Ellsworth’s involvement in the 1860 Republican Convention and Ellsworth’s valiant efforts on behalf of state militias to have them ready for the war earlier rather than later.
Without the chance to write offered to me by Chris and Kris, none of this would have happened.
I have been absent from these pages for a bit, due to that pesky Master’s–and holding down a full-time job teaching math, but the courses won’t begin again until November 5, and I only have one this time. Next week we return to the Top Ten List! Huzzah, and thanks for reading!
Congratulations on your one year of sharing history on the blog. Thanks for helping kids like me learn more.
Has it been a year already? Congratulations and welcome back!