ECW in Review
Last week, we took a look at the top posts of 2014. Today, as a postscript, we offer you a quick look at the top ECW posts of all time:
5) Some General Thoughts on Major General George A. Custer by Daniel Davis (Aug. 21, 2011)
4 & 3) African-Americans in the Civil War (parts one and two) by Steward Henderson (Nov. 17 & Nov. 21, 2011)
2) “Hellmira”—A Place of “Terrible Memory,” Nearly Forgotten by Chris Mackowski (Oct. 14, 2011)
1) Civil War Nurses: Interesting Facts About Northern Nurses by Virginia Benson (Sept. 3, 2013)
Chris: My favorite story of all time was the 9/24/13 story about Bragg vs. Forrest