Year in Review 2015: #7
ECW continues to count down our ten most-read posts of 2015. Coming in at number seven on the list: gods and generals—of a sort.
With the Confederate Culture Wars in full swing over the summer, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., chose to wade into the fray by announcing plans to remove a pair of stained glass windows dedicated to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The furor gained national attention.
On July 16, 2015, ECW’s Chris Mackowski chimed in on the controversy. His post explored the history of the windows and argued that removing them would be an irreparable breech of faith on the part of the Cathedral toward its donors.
While the controversy quieted by summer’s end, on August 18, the cathedral’s dean, the Very Rev. Gary Hall, announced his retirement, effective Dec. 31, 2015.
Our seventh-most-read post of 2015: “Confederate Culture Wars at the National Cathedral” by Chris Mackowski