ECW Welcomes Julie Mujic

Sacred Heart University History Professor Julie Mujic, April 2014
Sacred Heart University History Professor Julie Mujic, April 2014

Emerging Civil War is pleased to welcome Dr. Julie Mujic.

Julie earned her B.S. from Indiana University – Bloomington and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Kent State University. She is currently a tenure-track assistant professor of 19th Century American History at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut. She studies the northern home front during the Civil War and is finishing a book for Fordham University Press entitled Why They Stayed: The Mind of Northern Men in the Civil War Midwest.

Previously published work includes “Save a School to Save a Nation: Faculty Responses to the Civil War at Midwestern Universities,” in “So Conceived and So Dedicated”: Intellectual Life in the Civil War Era North, edited by Lorien Foote and Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai (New York: Fordham University Press, 2015) and “’Ours is the harder lot’: Student Patriotism at the University of Michigan during the Civil War,” edited by Ginette Aley and Joseph Anderson, in Union Heartland: The Midwestern Home Front during the Civil War (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2013). She has also published recently with the AHA’s Perspectives on History magazine and The Atlantic.

Mujic-Jefferson Rock-sm

5 Responses to ECW Welcomes Julie Mujic

  1. Welcome! Hope you’ll write about the Northern homefront occasionally…or all the time. 😉 I’m fascinated by the strength of civilians and how they supported or opposed the war effort.

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