ECW Week In Review June 26-July 2
This past week we wrapped up our blog series, “My Favorite Historical Person,” which has prompted many good discussions. We welcomed a new ECW member, featured some guest authors, and trekked to Gettysburg. Additionally, our monthly newsletter should be in your inbox!
Use the links below to check-out what you might have missed on the blog this week (or what you’d like to re-read). It’s been a busy seven days on the blog…
Our series My Favorite Historical Person wrapped up this week with posts by Todd Arrington, Julie Mujic, a special Question of the Week, and the final conclusion.
Emerging Civil War welcomed our newest member, Todd Arrington, and he’s enthusiastically shared a few pieces this week, including an article on the Dred Scott Decision.
Our newsletter went out this week, and there was a blog post featuring our ECW profiles. This is a neat “extra” in the newsletter and a great way to “meet” the blog writers. Since July is here now, we also posted the upcoming presentations for July and August!
Guest posts for the week discussed the Battle of Shelbyville and the Battle of Malvern Hill.
There’s a new book review about the Battle of Five Forks by Meg Groeling. Phill Greenwalt shared about baseball and the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. Bennett Place was featured in On Location. Chris Mackowski shared about an overlooked phase of the 1864 Overland Campaign.
This weekend quite a few ECW authors have gathered at Gettysburg for booksignings, tours, and more! Check out the details in the weekender post and announcement.
And, of course, we’ve had some Gettysburg blog posts. Earlier in the week, Chris Mackowski paid respects to George Meade. Iverson’s Brigade and Oak Ridge claimed the spotlight. We’re excited about a new preservation opportunity at Gettysburg. Today, Todd posted about Joshua L. Chamberlain, and Sarah shared about a stageplay based on Killer Angels.
Pleased to come aboard last week! Thanks to everyone for the warm reception and the kind comments about my articles thus far. Thrilled to be contributing to Emerging Civil War!
Delighted to have you!