ECW Week in Review July 10-16
It has been another busy week at Emerging Civil War. The topics of our posts have ranged from the Gettysburg Campaign to preservation news to discussions of public history engagement. You may click on the links below to view the full post.
Meg Groeling wrote a piece on Baseball in the 1860s.
Chris Mackowski offered suggestions on how to get more young people interested and involved with the Civil War.
Todd Arrington wrote a piece commemorating the creation of the Medal of Honor.
Bert Dunkerly examined lost opportunities by the Army of the Potomac.
Dan Davis profiled Vermont cavalryman William Wells and recounted the Battle of Falling Waters during the Gettysburg Campaign.
Dan Welch shared Preservation News.
We recognized our friends at Owens & Ramsey, a bookstore located in Richmond, Virginia, for their ongoing support of ECW and the Emerging Civil War Series.
We also had guest contributions from Paige Gibbons-Backus and Neil Chatelain.