ECW Week in Review 11-17 Sept.
September moves on at ECW. This past week, we observed a number of anniversaries, including September 11, the Maryland Campaign and battles in the Mexican War. You may click on the links below to read each post.
Chris Mackowski offered his annual reflection on September 11. He also offered his thoughts on the much anticipated release of Gordon Rhea’s final installment in his Overland Campaign study, On to Petersburg.
Kevin Pawlak continued his series on the Maryland Campaign. You may catch up on all the posts here. Dave Powell also shared a primary source on the Battle of Antietam.
Ryan Quint shared pieces related to the Mexican War, including the storming of Chapultepec, the fighting at Mexico City and the city’s fall.
Julie Mujic shared her experiences in the ECW Weekender on a trip to Harper’s Ferry.
We also informed our readers of a preservation opportunity at Appomattox.
Guest author Michael Aubrecht also returned with a post on Stonewall Jackson. We also welcomed guest author Jonathan Noyalas.