November 2017 Newsletter Now Available
Emerging Civil War’s November newsletter came out this week. In this issue, ECW contributors spent a little time acknowledging the Civil War-related things they’re thankful for this year. (Lee White, for instance, said one thing he’s thankful for are The Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.)
What are some of the Civil War-related things you are thankful for?
On the ECW bookshelf, we feature an old favorite newly released with a lot more content, just in time for the December anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg.
- a reminder about the Fifth Annual ECW Symposium at Stevenson Ridge
- spreading the news about Chris Kolakowski as our new chief historian, and
- a heads-up about “turning points.”
Stay in the loop on all the ECW news by subscribing to the newsletter if you haven’t already. There’s a link at the top of the newsletter that lets you sign up!
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