ECW Week in Review Dec. 4-10
The first full week of December moves on. We’ve had a number of great posts, including pieces on our recent release with Southern Illinois University Press, Turning Points of the Civil War. We also announced that ECW will join with the National Park Service, the Civil War Trust and other historians for the Trust’s Facebook Live events for the upcoming 155th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg from December 12-13. You may click on the links below to read each post.
Kevin Pawlak, Steve Davis, Lee White, and Chris Mackowski (with input from Dan Davis and Bert Dunkerly) continued our discussion related to the conflict’s Turning Points.
Chris also announced on Saturday an opportunity to preserve land at the North Anna battlefield.
Sarah Kay Bierle shared an ECW Weekender and this year’s gift guide for Civil War enthusiasts.
Caroline Davis wrote about a poet’s view of the war in Virginia.
Dwight Hughes shared an account he found recently in the Southern Historical Society Papers.
We also published individual pieces from guest authors Michael Aubrecht, Rob Wilson and Jon-Erik Gilot.
All positive great goals! I really want to help with preserving land for the North Anna, as I stated in another post General Robert E Lee and his engineer put up a defensive front that should be studied and all military Academia. As alot of people know I can put my projects on the shelf and donate alot of time Dr. Chris, but i’m sad to say little money. If you have any kind of need for me in any capacity my number is on my profile. Hope I can help in some way, North Anna is very special to me.