ECW’s April 2018 Newsletter(s) Now Available
If you haven’t seen them yet, we’ve had TWO Emerging Civil War newsletters this month. We have a lot going on–more than could fit in one newsletter! We promise we won’t make a habit of it (after all, we don’t want to turn into spam), but with all the irons in the fire, we wanted to make sure everyone had the chance to keep up.
Our first April newsletter, sent Friday, April 13, focused on our new Emerging Revolutionary War Series, which officially debuted with a book launch in conjunction with Patriots Day Weekend in Massachusetts.
Our second April newsletter, which we sent earlier this week, highlighted a number of exciting events we have coming up in May:
- A series of Facebook LIVE events we’ll be co-hosting with the Civil War Trust at Chancellorsville and Vicksburg
- The Fredericksburg National Cemetery luminary ceremony and Don Pfanz’s new “Engaging the Civil War” Series book Where Valor Proudly Sleeps: A History of the Fredericksburg National Cemetery
- Our Fifth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge, Aug. 3-5, 2018
- Plus: Some thoughts from ECW Editor-in-Chief about “fathers and sons” from the Bloody Angle of Spotsylvania (that’s his 13-month-old son Maxwell in the photo above)
We had so much going on that we had to forego our usual “10 Questions” feature and our News & Notes!
If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter, we’d love to have you on our mailing list. Follow either of the links above to one of our April newsletters, and at the top of the page, you’ll see a button that allows you to sign up.
If you thought you were on our mailing list but didn’t get a newsletter, be sure to check your spam filter and your junk mail folder; if we’re there, please mark us as “not spam.”
Thanks for following along. It’s our privilege to be out in the field, here on the web, and putting words on the page in our ongoing effort to share the story of the Civil War with you.
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