Hello from Chancellorsville
I’m at the first day’s battlefield at Chancellorsville this morning. I’m getting prepped for our two-day line up of Facebook LIVE events with the Civil War Trust, which start tomorrow. You can follow along on ECW’s Facebook page or the Civil War Trust’s Facebook page, so don’t forget to join us.
ECW co-founder Kris White, education manager for the Civil War Trust, and I will co-host a great line-up of guests including the NPS’s Beth Parnicza and ECW’s Dan Davis, Steward Henderson, and more. We’ll cover Chancellorsville from start to finish, beginning with the Civil War Trust’s First Day at Chancellorsville battlefield and going right on up through the battle of Salem Church.
Later today, I’ll share a few of my favorite features from the Day One battlefield. In the meantime, I thought I’d offer a quick hello!