Early-Bird Tickets Now Available for the Sixth Annual ECW Symposium at SR

During this year’s Symposium, we announced the dates and topic for next year’s event, as well as our keynote speaker. We had more than forty people buy tickets on the spot!

Now you have the chance to get your tickets, too—at a special early-bird rate of $135.

The Sixth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge will be held August 2-4, 2019. Our topic will be “Forgotten Battles of the Civil War,” and our keynote speaker will be A. Wilson Greene.

We’ll announce a full line-up of speakers and topics early this fall. In the meantime, you can take advantage of our special early-bird rate through December 31, 2018. After that, tickets will be available at $155 each.

We hope to see you next August for “Forgotten Battles”—don’t forget!

Early Bird Registration – $135.00

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