Preservation News: Charleston, SC – Old City, New Efforts
In late August 2018 exciting preservation news echoed from Charleston, South Carolina!
Here are the “fast-facts” and links to more details:
- The National Park Service has opened a new study to map and review Civil War sites in and near Charleston, revising and updating decades-old maps to include new locations.
- South Carolina has recently received $95,000 in research grants through the American Battlefield Protection Program to support this new endeavor.
- South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust will help lead the preservation research, using a large block the grants to research nine battlefield areas around the city – including Fort Sumter battles, Fort Wagner, Battle of Secessionville, Battle of Simmon’s Bluff, and Battle at Grimball’s Landing.
- Expect large scale preservation efforts and new nominations for the National Register of Historic Places to result from these new studies!
- The work begins to rediscover new sites to preserve in or near the city where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, and we look forward to following this project through the coming months and year.
For more details, check this article from The Post & Courier.
To learn about other preservation efforts in the Palmetto State, visit South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust’s website.