Week In Review: September 10-16, 2018
We hope all our readers are safe this weekend. Weather the big storm and we’ll be back on the battlefields soon! And while we wait, here’s a look at the posts featured on the ECW blog this past week…
Monday, September 10
Question of the Week got a good discussion about Civil War ships and ironclads started.
Guest author Joseph Mieczkowski wrote about heroes buried at Annapolis.
Tuesday, September 11
Sarah Kay Bierle shared observations on what common soldiers knew and remembered about battles.
Wednesday, September 12
Sean Michael Chick pondered the meaning of Gone With The Wind on a personal level and in the larger setting of film history and culture.
Thursday, September 13
Looking for some details about the 1862 Maryland Campaign? We found Kevin Pawlak’s series in the archives!
Edward Alexander shared about modern developments at Rappahannock Station.
Friday, September 14
Scott Hartwig’s presentation at the 2018 ECW Symposium is now on C-SPAN.
Chris Kolakowski wrote the ECW Weekender, featuring the MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk, Virginia.
Saturday, September 15
Preservation News focused on news from American Battlefield Trust and new congressional legislation that will affect historic preservation efforts.