Week In Review: December 17-23, 2018
We’ve had some warm welcomes and Christmas cheer on the blog this week along with the usual sampling of military history and primary sources. Have a wonderful weekend and very happy holidays!
Monday, December 17
Question of the Week spotlighted winter campaigns and battles in the Western Theater.
Meg Groeling gave another culinary taste with history of Southern gingerbread.
Tuesday, December 18
A new ECW Podcast is now available! Don’t miss the history of the Tullahoma Campaign with Chris Kolakowski and Chris Mackowski.
We released the new podcast’s additional resources a little early…
ECW Hats – the perfect stocking stuffers for any history buff.
Wednesday, December 19
Symposium Spotlight: Dr. James Broomall will be speaking at the ECW 2019 Symposium.
ECW welcomes a new author and editor: Kristen Pawlak
Kristen Pawlak wrote about a real-life Civil War era Grinch in St. Joseph, Missouri.
Thursday, December 20
ECW welcomes a new author: Jon-Erik Gilot
Jon-Erik shared an account of 170th Ohio National Guards and focused on their patriotism.
Sarah Kay Bierle found and published the Christmas 1863 journal entries by Elisha Hunt Rhodes.
Friday, December 21
Guest author Ray Shortridge offered research on the debt peonage system and slavery in New Mexico Territory during the Civil War in a two part article. Part 1 and Part 2
ECW Weekender features ideas for bringing Civil War history to the local community through library programs.
Saturday, December 22
Preservation News focused on new projects in this Digital Age that allow researchers and history buffs to collaborate to make amazing discoveries while continuing efforts to preserve images and documents.
Bert Dunkerly wrote about the Battle of Stones River and how some surprises just don’t last…
Sarah Kay Bierle shared two civilian perspectives on Christmas 1863 through the journal entries of Southern and Northern women written 155 years ago.
Sunday, December 23
This morning Sarah Kay Bierle shared thoughts and a Christmas-related excerpt from a popular book from the Civil War era.