The December 2018 ECW Newsletter is Now Available

Winter 1862Did you get your December issue of the Emerging Civil War newsletter? If not, you can get it here.

In this issue:

  • Editor-in-Chief Chris Mackowski reflects on the soldiers of 1862 during this holiday season
  • We ask our 10 Questions to editorial board member Terry Rensel, one of the behind-the-scenes faces of ECW
  • We have more News & Notes than you can shake a stick at, featuring the most recent work of fourteen of our historians
  • Eric Wittenberg’s newest book, Holding the Line on the River of Death, hits the ECW Bookshelf
  • Emerging Revolutionary War’s historians cross the Delaware and hunker down at Valley Forge

If you’re not on our email list but would like to be, follow the link to the newsletter, and when you get there, at the top of the page, click “join the email list.” And if you think you should be getting our newsletter but aren’t, make sure we’re not accidentally getting diverted to your junk mail folder (thanks!).

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